Diary November 15, 1914

British 18-pounders at Ypres
British 18-pounder field guns at Ypres, with their limbers and ammunition caissons close to hand.
War Diary of World War One for Sunday, November 15, 1914:

Western Front

French General Staff issues studies and plans on resumption of offensive, assuming a German retreat after their setbacks at Ypres and on the Eastern Front.
Ypres­: Relief of BEF I Corps by French (Foch) begins until November 22. The French retain responsibility for salient until early 1915. Sir J French tells Lord Stamfordham ‘… we can hold on here…but are not strong enough…to take a vigorous offensive’.

Eastern Front

Poland: Russian Second and Fifth Armies retreat to line Gumbin-Lodz and switch corps to latter. Russian Guards Corps casualties to date 14,000 men.
Carpathians: Second Russian invasion (Brusilov) of North Hungary (until December 12).

Southern Fronts

Serbia: Austrians occupy Valjevo. Vienna rejoices and Potiorek decorated, but rain turning roads into quagmires. Serbs abandon 20 guns by now of chronic shell shortage.

Middle East

Mesopotamia: British troops beat 2,000 Turkish soldiers at Sahain.
Armenia: c. 5,000 Turkish irregulars wipe out 1 Russian battalion at the copper mine south of Batumi.

African Fronts

Cameroons: 1,247 Allied troops occupy Buea in Mountain district (1,200 Germans now captive).

Conflict of Nations - World War III

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