Western Front
Sir W Robertson succeeds Sir A Murray as CIGS (Chief of British Imperial Generals Staff); like Haig, Robertson believes in attrition tactics and concentration of every man, gun and horse on the Western Front. Monro to succeed Haig in command of British First Army.
Alsace: ÂFrench 66th Div advances down far slope of HartÂmannsweilerkopf, takes 1,300 PoWs but commander General Serret is killed.
Southern Fronts
Britain: ‘Salonika is clearly defined as a defensive operation’ by British War Office.
African Fronts
Cameroons: French occupy Mangeles.
Sea War
Adriatic: Italian destroyer sinks Austrian arms ship and rams U-boat.
Home Fronts
Germany: Reichstag votes 5th war credit, 20 Independent Socialists oppose.
Britain: Robertson CIGS (Murray resigns), forms new Military Intelligence Directorate. Maurice replaces Callwell as DMO (Director of Military Operations) on December 29.