Diary for Monday, January 31, 1916:
Air War
Britain: First German airship raid on the Midlands by 9 Zeppelins (night January 31-February 1) sporadic and off course, Liverpool not reached but frequent false alarms (until March 5). Naval Airship Division Commander Strasser aboard L11 (183 casualties from 389 bombs, material damage worth only £53,832. Returning L19 lost in North Sea on February 2 (16 killed, no survivors). 22 British fighters ascend, 8 damaged or wrecked on landing, 2 pilots died of wounds.
African Fronts
South Cameroons: Final French advance begins from Nkan with more than 600 men with 2 guns.
East Africa: Smith-Dorrien resigns as C-in-C because of illness. Sir H Byatt made Civil Administrator of occupied parts of German East Africa. British have lost 30 soldiers killed by wild animals to date.
Sea War
USA: President Wilson says US Navy prepared.
Holland: SA Guest (War Propaganda Bureau) reports on trip to contact German socialist groups.
Home Fronts
Britain: 8,062 children exempted from school to date for farmwork.