Diary July 10, 1943

British Highland infantry disembarks
British Highland infantry disembarks from transport off Sicilian coast.
WW2 War Diary for Saturday, July 10, 1943:

Sea War

Mediterranean – ALLIES INVADE SICILY (Operation Husky): Armada of 3,000 ships lands 12 divisions of British 8th Army (Montgomery) and US 7th Army (Patton). Naval forces – 6 battleships, 2 carriers, 18 cruisers, 7 submarines and 210 other warships – escort invasion fleet and bombard coastal defences and communications.

Air War

Mediterranean: 3,680 Allied planes participate in Operation Husky; prolonged series of raids on Sicilian airfields reaches devastating climax.
Germany: 373 RAF bombers attacking Gelsenkirchen and dropping 1,304t of bombs.

Eastern Front

Southern Sector: Hitler rejects his generals advice and decides to persevere with Kursk offensive.

Conflict of Nations - World War III

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