Diary July 30, 1915

British bayonet drill
New British recruits take part in bayonet drill. This was considered an important part of training but in reality bayonets killed very view enemies.
Diary for Friday, July 30, 1915:

Western Front

Flanders: 6 German trench flamethrowers used against BEF; 1/2-mile of British 41st Brigade (New Army 14th Division, arrived France on June 18) trenches stormed by German 126th Infantry Regiment (53rd Reserve Division) on Menin Road (Hooge), ‘No Man’s Land’ 15 yards (ca. 14 m) at narrowest.

Eastern Front

Russia: War Minister General Poplivanov tells ministers ‘Demoralization, surrender and desertion are assuming huge proportions’.

Southern Fronts

Italians shell Austrian forts around Cadore valley (Carnic Alps).

Middle East

Mesopotamia: 80-mile British Tigris reconnaissance from Amara to Ali Garbi.

Sea War

Baltic: Royal Navy submarine E1 (Laurence) sinks German minesweeper Aachen off Libau.

Air War

Germany: 45 French aircraft bomb Freiburg (Aviatik aircraft factory, repeated next day) and Pechelbronn.


Papal peace appeal letter to all belligerents.
USA: Government protest against German spies’ false passports.


Holland: £7.5 millions naval program voted for 2 cruisers, 4 submarines and 6 aircraft.

Home Fronts

South Africa: Botha lands at Cape Town to hero’s welcome.
Turkey: Cholera among troops at Constantinople.

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