South Russia: ÂWrangel’s Caucasus Volunteer Army (mainly cavalry and element of Denikins forces) attacks Tsaritsyn (until June 15) but Red defences too tough, Whites lose nearly 25% including 8 generals and 11 regimental commanders. Wrangel withdraws a day’s march to south. Civilian river and rail exodus from city.
Baltic: Forts Krasnya Gorka and Seraya Loshad covering Kronstadt naval base rebel vs Reds and shell port (until June 17). Stalin orders 2 battleships to counterÂ-bombard and Reds retake forts while garrison survivors and Estonians retreat.
Siberia: Czech troops mutiny at Irkutsk but soon put down; French General Janin blames US for incident.
Britain: New Victory Loan issued, 4% bonds.
FranceÂ: AEF Stars and Stripes weekly newspaper closes (peak c.522,000).