Diary for Monday, May 17, 1915:
Western Front
Ypern – Festubert: 450 Germans surrender during BEF shelling after which ‘Quadrilateral’ strong point captured, but rain and mist hamper exploitation. German reserves from north block British penetration.
Artois: ÂFayolle on Petain ‘… the best general I have met so far in the war’.
Middle East
Armenia: Russians occupy Ardjiche, lake Van. Turks leave town. Oganovski occupies Malazgirt.
Sea War
Black Sea: Russian destroyers launch blockade of Bosphorus, play havoc with coast-hugging Turk colliers.
Aegean: Coastal submarine UB8 arrives at Smyrna, sinks British SS Merion (dummy of battlecruiser Tiger) off Mudros.
Air War
Western Front: 9 RNAS aircraft from Dunkirk climb to intercept LZ38 but instead find LZ39. Pilots Grey, Warneford and Meddis attack, Meddis scores hits with 2 x 0.45-in incendiary bullets. Bigsworth’s Avro 504 air-to-air bomb attack damages LZ39 over Ostend (one of the crew killed, several wounded).
Gallipoli: Marix RNAS aircraft observes Turk reinforcements landing and making camp at Ak Bashi Liman. Later Samson and Marix in Breguet-Michelin bomb the camp (57 casualties), panicking work parties unloading boats.
Home Fronts
Russia: Bolshevik meeting in quarry near Odessa arrested.
Britain: Lloyd George persuades Asquith to form Coalition Government.
7,000 London tramway men lose strike for extra war bonus (until June 4).
Kitchener asks for another 300,000 men for the army.