Southern Fronts
Austro-Italian border: German Alpenkorps formed for Tyrol. Conrad to Emperor’s Aide-decamp ‘… an Italian offensive will have for its chief objective the valley of the Isonzo. All defensive measures have been taken’.
Home Fronts
Britain: Churchill accepts dismissal after final vain appeal to Asquith: ‘Let me stand or fall by the Dardanelles’. Accepts Chancellorship of the Duchy of Lancaster, stays on War Council.
Western Front
Artois: French take ‘White Road’ near Souchez (Vimy).
Eastern Front
Galicia: Russian counterattack until May 24 to cover Przemysl’s evacuation. Austrian VII Corps entrains for Italian Front.
Middle East
Persia: Small Russian force lands at Enzeli on the Caspian after Isfahan vice-consul murdered (May 18).
Italo-German treaty on mutual safety of citizens and property.