Diary September 9, 1916

report about Schutztruppen
The German newspaper ‘Illustrierte Zeitung’ reported about the struggle of the colonial forces ‘Schutztruppen’.
Diary for Saturday, September 9, 1916:

African Fronts

East Africa: Main British advance of 1st Division reaches Tulo but Lettow’s 2,200 men with 24 MGs check it at river Dutumi (until September 12).

Western Front

German GHQ transferred from Charleville to Pless.
Battle of the Somme, Battle of Ginchy: British 16th (Irish) Division (Irish nationalist and poet Lt Tom Kettle killed, aged 36) capture Ginchy, 7 miles east of Albert and trenches west and east of Leuze Wood.
Southern sector: Germans begin counter-attacks against French Tenth Army round Berny and recover some ground (until September 12).
Colonel Lossberg, CoS German First Army, awarded Pour le Merite for outstanding Western Front service.

Eastern Front

Pripet: Kaiser visits Kovel, awards Hoffmann Pour le Merite.
Transylvania, Battle of Selimbar: Rumanians advance southwest of Hermannstadt.
Dobruja: Mackensen’s Bulgar cavalry of 1st Infantry Divisions takes Silistria on Danube southern bank.


Greece: ‘Greek reservists’ shoot at French Athens legation, Government apologies on September 11 (for what is really a secret French ploy).

Home Fronts

Germany: Hindenburg and Ludendorff meet industrialists Gustav Krupp and Carl Duisberg (IG Farben) to discuss workforce shortage and Hindenburg programme.
Austria: Common Ministers Council discuss food crisis, War Minister mentions malnutrition signs in Army.

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