Diary July 20, 1944

Colonel Claus Count Schenk von Stauffenberg
WW2 War Diary for Thursday, July 20, 1944:

Home Front Germany: HITLER NARROWLY ESCAPES ASSASSINATION. Colonel Count von Stauffenberg leaves bomb in conference room at Wolfss­chanze (‘Wolfs Lair‘), Rastenburg, East Prussia. He then flies to Berlin to organize military coup, but this is badly bungled. Goebbels’and Fromm, commander of Home Army, take vigorous counter-measures. Stauf­fenberg and other conspirators summarily executed. Colonel-General Beck commits suicide. Hitler broadcasts to German people con­demning ‘small clique of traitors’.

Occupied France
German military conspirators temporarily seize control of Paris and imprison local SS personnel but wait in vain to hear confirmation of Hitler‘s death from Berlin. SS regain control and release comrades after Hitler‘s broadcast.

Home Front USA
President Roosevelt renominated to run for 4th term by overwhelming vote of Democratic Convention at Chicago.

Conflict of Nations - World War III

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