Diary September 3, 1944

In liberated France the hatred is ruling
In liberated France the hatred is ruling and are the women, where the fury rages primarily. Women who get involved with Germans, were shaved bald.
WW2 War Diary for Sunday, September 3, 1944:

Western Front

BRUSSELS LIBERATED by British forces after lightening dash of 362 km in 4 days. US and French troops enter Lyons.

Occupied countries

Holland: Prince Bernhard appointed commander of underground forces.

Secret War

Retreating Germans abandon hundreds of thousands of intelli­gence dossiers at Brussels; these are subsequently discovered and examined by British investigators and found to contain street maps of every town and village in UK and Eire; maps of entire British and Irish coastlines and innumerable photographs, ranging from 1890s postcards to 1940 views of Battersea Power Station. All these data were to have been used during Operation ‘Sea Lion’.

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